If you’re an aspiring director or actor then you have to start building your profile if you want to make it to a competitive drama major being offered by US universities.
Here are some activities you should ideally undertake in school to increase your chances of getting into a competitive drama major:
- Drama: Drama classes will develop your theatre skills by teaching you the specifics of what goes into putting up a theatrical production. Learning how to analyse a play, developing a set, memorising lines and designing costumes will communicate to your prospective program that you have grounded experience in the field of theatre.
- Humanities: Plays aren’t just about acting. It’s about taking the written word and making it come alive on the stage. Humanities courses will help you become a better reader, develop your communication skills and help you become more comprehensive in your understanding of plays. They will also enhance your creative and creative skills while giving you great insights into contemporary culture and augmenting your overall cultural awareness. So, do take subjects such as history, English, philosophy, language, law, and so on.
While good grades and the right courses will strengthen the core of your application, most competitive programs look for extracurricular activities to identify those who have shown exceptional dedication to developing their skills in the field of theatre. Here’s a list of activities you can do outside of the class to develop your theatrical aptitude:
- Enrol in a summer program for young actors or take part in community theatre. It’ll not just be a great learning opportunity but will give you hands-on experience on how to put up a full-fledged theatrical production. You’ll also enhance your confidence by working in the field with people who are part of the theatre community.
- You can also find a professional coach to mentor you in the field of theatre. Rigorous training will help you learn professional skills like voice modulation, breathing exercises and much more.
- Enrolling in clubs, competitions and other similar initiatives will highlight your achievements and distinguish you from other applicants.
Once you have your profile set up, here’s a list of top US universities offering a BA in theatre (which is different than a BFA in Acting!) that you can take a look at: